
Let’s Search for Wisdom

The Barun Make Research Society offers counselling for people to understand and implement the principles of Yin-Yang Five Elements in their daily lives. This ancient Chinese philosophy can help us achieve balance and harmony in all aspects of our existence, including physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual fulfilment. By scheduling a counselling session with the society’s president, you can learn more about this fascinating topic and apply these insights to create a more meaningful, purposeful life.

Eunji Lee Spitler

Eunji Lee Spitler is founder of Barun Maek Academy and Barun Maek Research Society. She started her Barun Maek journey in 2007. Since then, she has synthesized, practiced, and left many empirical examples in helping people recover health, align moral, improve family and interpersonal relationships, enhance communication and emotional regulation, and recover community health.

Please schedule a counseling session below.  Counseling is 70 dollars for a thirty minute session.  All scheduling is done in Pacific Standard Time (PST)
