Eunji Spitler

고등학교에서 바른맥 교육 '나 한테 맞는 차 선택하기'

With the introduction of Lee Ha-young, a board member of the Korean Barun Meak Research Society and a public health educator for a high school,  Instructor Kim Jin-hee and Kim Chae-young conducted a tea therapy education which based on Barunmaek’s understanding of Yin-Yang Five Elements at the J High School in Gyeonggi Province on July […]

고등학교에서 바른맥 교육 '나 한테 맞는 차 선택하기' 더 읽기"

'한국 바른맥 리써치 소사이어티' 설립

To establish Korean Barun Maek Research Society, Barun Maek Research Society reorganized our sister organization in Korea.  Our organization’s core members applied for non-profit cultural organization status through the Seoul City government. Long time member, Kim Jinhui was elected the first president of the Korean branch.  Core to the mission of Barun Maek is to

'한국 바른맥 리써치 소사이어티' 설립 더 읽기"
