Jang Sungja
Jang Sungja suffered from severe and acute allergy to Rhus Verniciflua Stokes which is also known as Lacquer poisoning. Lacquer poisoning is similar to a reaction to poison oak or poison ivy in the west. It resulted in her having a swollen face and body, and itchy skin. To counteract this, she applied the principle of Controlling sequence of the Five Elements to relieve her allergic reaction alongside Barun Maek Counseling. She recovered quickly within a few days.
Original Character
- Profile– Earth Metal Energy person, eighty years old
- Yin Energy Person
Reason for Learning
- Severe allergic reaction from Rhus Verniciflua Stokes which is called Lacquer poisoning
- Supporting Tree Energy through putting homemade Tree Energy juice on her allergic site, applying pressure at the relevant accupoint, and dietary choice to control the extremely strong Earth Energy present in Rhus Verniciflua Stokes, she was able to recover her allergic reaction within six days without any medical intervention.
Jang Sungja is a member of Barunmaek who has published her research profile on the website with the recovery of knee arthritis and toe construction.
Day 1 – On November 9, 2024, I received a call from Jang Sungja for help. She said that she had an allergic reaction while picking fruit in the mountains. She came into contact with the lacquer tree, and within five minutes, she developed an allergic reaction to the lacquer tree. She asked for help because her whole body, including her face, was swollen and itchy. I consulted Eunji who is our society’s chief researcher and was advised to solve it with Tree Energy which can control Earth Energy by the controlling sequence in Yin Yang Five Elements theory because the major Element of lacquer is Earth Energy.
Allergic reactions to lacquer plants vary with some having no reaction to reactions that can take up to 48 hours to manifest. Reactions within five minutes of contact indicate a severe reaction.
I asked Sungja to make a juice of Tree Energy materials, which have a sour taste, at home and apply it to her body, and drink it. She said that she mixed apples, tangerines, and vinegar and applied them to her body, and that her allergic reaction was lessened. When it started to subside, Eunji asked to specify the major Energy of lacquer whether it is mostly Earth Fire or Earth Metal Energy, so we can help Sungja more effectively understand her reaction. Therefore, Sungja checked the effects after she mixed salt with the juice and mixed bitter tea with it. She found that the juice with salt worked better to provide relief.

Day 3 – On November 11, 2024, Sungja took a warm bath by releasing buckwheat flour because her pulse showed that she needed Tree Energy and a lot of 6th Energy. To replenish the 6th energy, she used buckwheat flour. It is from Tree Energy grains which have the 6th Energy so it has no taste. Also, she avoided sweet tasting foods since it has Earth Energy which consumes Tree Energy according to the controlling sequence. In particular, she had swelling and itching more around the eyes and neck which are relevant body parts of Tree Energy. It reflected her lack of Energy as her pulse showed.

Day 4 - Her complexion turned black when her pulse showed a lack of Water Energy. I helped her stimulate the relevant acupoints according to the result of pulse checking. The day after supplementing the 6th Energy and stimulating acupoints on the relevant meridians at the same time, the swelling significantly subsided.

Day 6 - The complexion became normal and all the allergic reactions disappeared.
What Barun Maek Saw:
Jang Sungja is an Earth and Metal Energy person. It means that she has a lack of Tree, Fire, and Water Energy often. She contacted lacquer trees by accident and developed allergic symptoms quickly since she originally had excessive Earth Energy. In this case, breathing difficulties could occur in severe cases, so it was important to alleviate quickly. To do this, we had to find out what kind of energy lacquer had in the Five Elements. Barun Maek’s chief researcher Eunji inferred that lacquer was the energy opposite to Tree Energy because the culture of eating it with chicken, which is Tree Energy meat, was developed in Korean society. Usually, popular foods are harmonious with opposite Energy in Five Element analysis. When she urgently looked for the other data, she found that lacquer can be neutralized by mixing beans and eggs, which are also Tree Energy materials. After being asked to analyze the energy of the Five Elements of lacquer, she recommended strengthening Tree Energy and to wait and observe for more data.
Lacquer was used as a disinfectant to prevent insects. Ingredients that act as a disinfectant often have a strong bitter taste. Examples include chlorines used in swimming pools and charcoal used for the purpose as well. So, it can weaken the skin with the strong Fire Energy. Lacquer also served as a rich resin to repair broken earthenware. Jang Sungja’s feedback that Tree Energy juice is more effective with salt showed Lacquer has Fire Energy, since salt is Water Energy which can control Fire Energy.
Koreans are the only people who eat lacquer in chicken soup. It is also used as a Korean medicine called dry lacquer. There is a record of Korean traditional medicine that warms the body and relieves blood clots. To reduce allergic reactions when it is used as a medicine, it is put in water boiled for 6-8 hours. Putting it in water weakens the lacquer’s Fire and Earth Energy.
Sungja is a person with a strong Earth and Metal Energy, so her reaction was so severe that her whole body was swollen in less than five minutes due to the addition of strong Earth Energy from lacquer. People with severe allergies may have difficulty breathing, and those who are not severe may have a slight reaction after 48 hours, and the degree and time of the reaction of lacquer vary from person to person. It is natural that the natural five elements of energy of the person experiencing them are different.
On the 3rd day, the healing effect was increased by taking a bath with buckwheat flour since buckwheat is a tree energy grain which has a lot of the 6th Energy having no taste. The swelling of the body is a sign, showing it is necessary to take out, so it is important to stimulate acupoints on the relevant meridians used to remove bad energy.
Through this experience, members of Barunmaek learned that lacquer is a material having Fire and Earth Energy even though it is highly Earth Energy. In addition, when an allergy occurs, analyzing the energy of the material which was contacted is very helpful to recover quickly by the controlling sequence.
If you want to know about Yin Yang Five Elements and the controlling sequence more, you can purchase the reference book here. https://barunmaek.org/product/book/

Research Coordinator
This research project was coordinated by Eunji Lee Spitler. If you would like to work with her please contact her at spitlereunji@barunmaek.org

Research Coordinator
This research project was coordinated by Kim Jin Hui. If you would like to work with her please contact her at kimjinjhui@barunmaek.org

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