Dillon Spitler
Dillon has been a Barun Maek Member since 2007. He has strong Tree Water character but has suffered from weak metal, earth, sixth and fire energy. This manifested in Asthma, allergies, indigestion and anxiety. Had disc slippage in his lower back with an inability to sit or stand for extended periods of time. To support these energies Dillon eats Saeng Sheik, spicy, sweet and bitter foods.
-Original Character
- Profile– Water Tree Energy
- Yin Energy Person
- Pulse diagnosis- Earth-Metal or Earth-Fire disorder at Serious Level of Yin-Yang disorder
-Reason for Joining
Overcoming Allergies, Chronic sinitus, Asthma, poor digestion, chronic back pain, anxiety and to decrease abdominal fat.
Supporting earth and metal energy through dietary choices and exercises that target meridians. I was able to overcome asthma, allergies and digestive issues and lose 3.9 kg in a week.
Physical Changes

What Barun Maek Saw
Dillon had severely depleted Yin energy. His pulse was non existent in his wrist pulse while his jugular artery was really strong. This disparity is indicative of a severe imbalance of Yin-Yang energy. To compound his problems he had depleted metal, earth and sixth energy. His lower back had a slipped disc and he was unable to stand or sit for even short periods. His walk had his torso tilted noticeably forward because of weak Yin energy and Earth Energy channel depletion which supports the front of his body. Because of his strong Water Energy he supported the bulk of his torso’s weight on his back along the Water Energy channel while his front Earth channels did not support his torso at all further depleting his Earth Energy and stomach function. This energy deficit created an unusual accumulation of abdominal fat around his torso while the rest of his body was lean. This also depleted his metal energy organs like lungs and intestines which require an upright posture and strong abdominal muscles to facilitate lung expansion and contraction as well as proper contraction of the large intestine’s muscles. Generally, unusual accumulation of fat tissue around a part of the body relative to the rest of the body is an indication of poor energy circulation in that area. Also the poor posture prevented proper expansion of the lungs which contributed to his asthma and depleted Metal Energy.
To recover his energy he had to practice correct posture through meditation, awareness of supporting his body with his abdominal muscles along his earth energy channel, and practicing complete and robust respiration. Meditation practice supports both the abdominal muscles and facilitates deep breathing which results in the realignment of his spine which eventually forces his discs back into place along his spine. Dillon also was instructed to walk on the inner side of his foot along the earth energy channel and avoid walking on the outside of his foot which is where his Water Energy channel is. He was also encouraged to keep his foot pointing straight and walk using the inner part of his foot as opposed to walking with his feet splayed out on the heel and outside of the foot which is where his Water Energy channel is. This increases circulation along the Earth Energy channel while decreasing the overuse of the water energy channel resulted in him able to support his torso with the front (Earth Energy) and back (Water Energy) in a balanced way that was able to eliminate his back pain and return his disc to properly seat centered in his vertebrae. This is also an example of Yin-Yang balance where the front of the body is yin (soft, fleshy, easily damaged) and the back which is yang (rigid, muscular, body, tough).
To achieve a Yin-Yang balance in our posture we should support our torso with neither the back muscles nor the front muscles too much but should share the weight evenly. Dillon’s depleted Yin energy pulse shown in his radial artery reflected his poor posture state which was without Yin energy to support his torso. After his change in lifestyle he was able to recover his slipped disc which in western medicine is usually resolved through surgery with a low chance of long term success. Because he was in his twenties at the time it would have been a long term battle with multiple surgeries throughout his life span with a low chance of living a pain free life.

Psycological Changes - less tense.
General Suggestions for Weight Loss
- Decrease stress during the first week.
- Avoid intense activity during the first week.
- Share meals to avoid overeating.
Differences from Other Diet Methods:
I have never been on a diet. It was easier than I expected. Saneg sheik three meals caused faster and easier weight loss than two meals a day.
"Through Barun Maek I was able to balance my energies. I no longer suffer from allergies, asthma, lower back pain and blocked sinuses. I am not overthinking and motivated to work quickly when before I was lethargic."

Research Coordinator
This research project was coordinated by Eunji Lee Spitler. If you would like to work with her please contact her at spitlereunji@barunmaek.org

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