Jang Youngjoo
Jang Youngjoo, who is in her 20s is sensitive to beauty, desperately needed to lose weight, but she failed to lose weight. She became frustrated and became inactive even though she was on a variety of weight-loss methods that were popular at that time. After applying Barun Maek , she ate foods although they are generally considered as foods that increase weight, since she needed those foods supplying the energy that she lacked from the point of view of Yin-Yang Five elements. She finally lost 13 kilograms in two months while keeping warm.
Original Character
- Profile– Metal Water Energy Constitution, twenty eight years old
- Yang Energy Person
- Pulse diagnosis– see below
Reason for Joining-
- Weight Loss without weight cycling
- Supporting the Yin-Yang balance and nourishing her lack of energy through foods and environment, she was able to achieve her weight-loss and screen correct foods for her health.
- She became confident and faithful after nourishing Earth energy
- She recovered her brightness and passion after nourishing Fire energy
Pulse Diagnosis
Jang Youngjoo barely had a pulse on both her jugular arteries indicating that not enough energy flowed to the brain. She has a tendency to forget easily and has difficulty with intensive memorization and brain work. She often regretted buying items without thinking deeply about whether she needed them. In Five Elements’ level of understanding, her pulse showed she needs Earth and Fire energy, which is a common pulse for a Metal Water energy person like her due to the controlling sequence. If you want to know the principle, please refer to the video 4. https://barunmaek.org/educational-videos-2/

What Barun Maek Saw:
Although Jang Youngjoo was a Yang energy person, her Yang energy was very weak according to pulse checking. When Yang energy is weak, the energy flow to the brain is weak, so it is not easy to learn Barun Maek through theoretical study of Barun Maek. It is absolutely necessary to help the person learn through physical changes and experiences while explaining and practicing as simply as possible. Also, since her Earth energy is weak, she lacks persistence and does not trust the other person’s words well. Earth energy resembles the role of the mother. So, it was necessary for the helper to take care of her meticulously and to be patient to gain her trust gradually. Also, in this case, it is not easy to open up her sincere heart and see whether she has not practiced. The virtue of Earth energy is “belief”, so if Earth energy is weak, you lack not only trust in others but also in yourself. She lacked Fire energy as well and had strong Yin energy to go down, so she also needed to revive her passion and enjoyment of weight control. For her, who lacks Earth and Fire energy, regular snacks made from sweet and bitter organic rice, rice snacks, coffee, honey, jujube, and sweet potatoes prepared at 11am by her mother, was a great encouragement. She was educated to be careful about eating on time and filling sweet foods without refined sugar to repair her Earth energy. One day, her younger brother prepared her birthday meal with a beef dish, which has strong Yang energy and Earth energy. The kindness became such an important turning point that she courageously asked her brother to exercise with her. Earth energy has a sticky nature which is helping people be together.

Jang Yougjoo was overweight enough to have discomfort in moving her body. She didn’t eat sweets because she believed that sweets made her gain weight. Although she was in her twenties, she was not active due to a lack of Yang energy which made people elevate and in active mode. She kept herself on a diet in ways well known to the public, such as one-food diet, fast diet, but her appetite was not controlled so she failed to lose weight because there was no way she could get the energy she lacked. When she was recommended the sweet taste of earth energy foods with Yang energy, such as beef and honey, by Barun Maek, she was hard to believe since they were known foods that are believed to cause weight gain. However, she ate those foods even though she felt deceived because she liked them. When she nourished necessary elements of energy through food made of high-quality ingredients, it balanced her in Yin-Yang Five Elements and made her appetite more accurate, and her cravings for continuous eating disappeared. Through this change, she came to trust the unique guidelines of Barun Maek.
While she was losing weight, she neglected to heat up her body. Then, her weight loss progressed slowly, and this situation gave her an opportunity to learn honesty and the importance of heating up her body. She was able to keep it up for two months, wearing thin long sleeves even in the hot weather of July and August in Korea, when she ran around the soccer field 10 times with her brother everyday.
About applying the management of the environment, It was also good to prepare foods on pretty plates of yellow and bright colors which have Earth energy and Yang energy. She felt satisfied even in small amounts and was able to restore her self-esteem. For tea, she drank Earth-Fire energy and Yang energy, such as chamomile and chrysanthemum tea. She made a big effort to raise her Earth energy by eating meals and snacks at fixed times consistently.
Barun Maek’s requirement and achievement since we have believed it is deeply related to health issues, is improving morality and virtue. As she began to lose weight and her Earth energy recovered, she seemed to have gained sincerity and steadiness in her actions, which is the energy of the soil. Also, she conglomerated better and bonded with her family. She succeeded in losing 13 kilograms and now knows logically what she needs when presented with a variety of weight control information. She has recommended the Barunmaek Research Society education course and the Research Project to others through her blog in Korea, which she designed to help others that experienced problems like she had. In 2018, she couldn’t eat Barun Maek Saeng Sheik, so she managed to lose weight like this. However, after then, she has been eating Saeng Sheik step by step consistently, and she is seeing the effect of maintaining good weight and cleaning up her body.
After losing weight and eating Yang energy food, she recovered Yin-Yang balance of the pulse. Her mind has become brighter and more positive. She can memorize more information, so she could make a manual book for her company and design her blogs by herself. She also donated her talent by designing the cover of a journal. She has also come to like talking to people and going outside, so she started to ride her bicycle that she hadn’t ridden for a long time, and it has become a fun exercise for her.
“When I changed, I saw that my surroundings also changed. I met a good-hearted and trustworthy person that was not my given element of energy and now I am preparing for marriage with the person. I have seen many people change in Barun Maek, so I am promoting Barun Maek through one of my blogs. I hope more people learn Barun Maek to know themselves and help others''

Research Coordinator
This research project was coordinated by Eunji Lee Spitler. If you would like to work with her please contact her at spitlereunji@barunmaek.org

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