Lee Hayoung
Original Character
- Profile– Water Tree Energy
- Yang Energy Person
- Pulse diagnosis- The 6th Energy and Earth Energy should be nourished.
Reason for Learning-
- Overcoming chronic shoulder pain and knee pain.
- Too frequent emotional change.
- Floaters in her vision.
- Supporting the Sixth energy through dietary choices and Falun Dafa meditative exercise, Hayoung was able to overcome chronic shoulder pain, maintain inner peace, and free from floaters
- Strengthening Earth Energy through foods and maintaining trust to replenish Earth Energy’s associated virtue, she recovered from the knee pain, and her relationship with her son.
Lee Hayoung has been a member of Barun Maek since 2022. Her recovery story for the first year, 2022 has been published on her research profile on the website to overcome multiple incurable joint issues and chronic disc pain. After that, she was able to climb up stairs due to her recovery from hip joint pain.
For 2023, her calf discomfort, frequency urination and sleeping difficulty at night were improved. During that period of time her pulse showed that she needed Water Energy and her symptoms matched with her energy deficiency.
However, her chronic shoulder pain remained. Her shoulder pain site was relevant to the 6th energy that is connected to mood regulation. She also had difficulty with her frequent mood changes. To nourish her 6th energy, she started to practice meditation since the 6th energy came from a higher level of Five Elements and is called divine Energy. She chose practicing Falun Dafa exercises since her old friend had practiced for a decade and recommended it for her.
After months of practicing Falun Dafa exercises including meditation, she can relax to look at the situation with ease when she was anxious and nervous. She said,” I screamed and yelled at my family since I couldn’t control my emotions, especially with the situation where my emotions are running around you, but my emotions have become naturally controlled.” After raising her 6th energy through Falun Dafa practice, a practice that is focused on mind body cultivation, her shoulder pain disappeared as well.
Barun Maek has been using 6 kinds of methodology to supplement the lack of energy to balance Yin Yang Five Elements in the human body. There are Pulse Management, Heating up the body, Regimen, Exercise, Environment, and Virtuous Conduct.
After she became healthier through Barun Maek than ever before, her philosophy of health as a nurse and public health educator changed. She much more accepted the Eastern Ancient concept “Health is reflection of Karma.” Therefore, she knows why Barun Maek emphasized virtuous conduct.
For example, when she checked her lack of Earth Energy pulse, she just realized it was time to recover her knee pain but also to reestablish a more trustful relationship with her second son. She tried to trust him more, overcoming her usual suspicion of him and trying to understand him through his view point. Of course, she had been taking sweet and sticky food to increase her earth energy and staying home more as well since it all raises Earth Energy. Finally, she recovered from her knee pain, and her relationship with her son in 2024. She said her other lack of Earth Energy symptoms have recovered such as less frequent bruises and no dark circles under her eyes.
One day, she realized her chronic floaters in her vision had disappeared. Based on Barun Maek’s experience, floaters are developed because of a lack of Earth and the 6th Energy. In the medical community it is known as an incurable symptom. She was rewarded with a big present for her diligent research practice including her sincere virtuous conduct using Barun Maek’s methodology. In her report, she wrote her impression about this experience and wishes through this research process the following:
“It was a process that confirms once again that the discipline of correcting my pulse, eating Barun Maek Saeng Sheik, heating up my body is a discipline that requires constant patience and moderation with oneself and requires sincere practice with a more microscopic level understanding of the interaction energy. In particular, I believe in the fact that things done with a good heart in relation to morality and the environment impress the universe and leads to good results.
I met Falun Dafa this year through learning Barun Maek. It was also great to be able to look at all the things that appear to me with gratitude by giving me an opportunity to test whether or not I can go back to my real place in the universe by aligning myself into the universal law; truthfulness, Benevolence, and Tolerance. I will always think about the fact that the importance of morality and the environment is directly linked to the health of the mind and body in the future, and I hope that the practice of small learning that began with me, will change my family and surroundings and lead to the next generation to create a healthy culture.”

What Barun Maek Saw
In 2022, she looked like an Earth Metal Energy person who has a round and square shaped face. Her pulse showed a lack of Tree energy as well. At the time, her poor tree energy caused pelvic joint pain that prevented her from climbing stairs so she had to stop going to work. Her bad liver function in her blood test was one of evidence of the lack of Tree Energy in Yin Yang Five Elements theory in the human body. In the controlling sequence, her Earth and Metal Energy were increased at that time and it caused her face to look like an Earth and Metal Energy person’s.
Through members’ recovery reports, we have observed that people recover their strong energy parts earlier than their weak energy. Hayoung was no exception either.
She recovered from Tree Energy to Water Energy from 2022 to 2023. These are her original strong Energies but were lost. If so, her 6th Energy should be in an extremely depleted state since the 6th Energy harmonizes the level of one’s original character. This meant her health was not just sick and that she could not move naturally and had to stop working because of the multiple joint pain. It was difficult to find an optimistic therapy to help her in the regular medical system even though she is a nurse and public health educator. However, after the process, she returned her strong Energy first and also started to recover her weak Energy parts as well in 2024. For 2024, many people around her noticed her face was getting longer since her Tree Energy had been nourished. After then, her original weak Energy started to be considered by her body to nourish and heal her chronic knee pain as well.
For three years, she supplemented her 6th Energy. She has been taking Barun Maek Saen Sheik as well. The average amount of Saeng Sheik in our research process is around 90 grams daily. She ate 2.5 times that amount of Saeng Sheik in 2022, 2.1 times in 2023, and 1.5 times in 2024. Her intake is over the average of our members but has decreased this year. However, she acknowledged the role of virtuous conduct in our method. We definitely concluded that understanding of virtue has allowed her a deeper understanding of the meaning of health, life and Barun Maek research. It was a familiar experience and a reminder of the opportunity of the Barun Maek journey for our senior Barun Maek members. That is what Ancient people have already understood and left as the Chinese Ancient Science of Yin Yang Five Elements and this organization has experienced on Korean soil. Barun Maek hopes we can preserve this culture and make it more prosperous through Barun Maek Research.
If you want to know about Yin Yang Five Elements, you can purchase the reference book here.

Research Coordinator
This research project was coordinated by Kim Chae Young. If you would like to work with her please contact her at kimchaeyoung@barunmaek.org

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