Ryu Seunghyun
Seung-hyun is a seven-year-old boy. It has been more than a year since he began eating Barun Maek Saengsheik. Seung-hyun’s mom is a long term member of Barun Maek. A year ago, She was surprised to see that her son had barely grown for six months although typically children his age are supposed to be growing rapidly. In addition one of his molars was experiencing rapid decay. His mother was thinking Seung-hyun did not have enough energy to grow, so started keeping him warm and feeding him Barun Maek Saengsheik. He was pretty cooperative when eating Saeng Sheik since he had a hard time during his dental treatments. After his mother’s efforts and his cooperative endurance, although not easy, he did not develop any additional cavities for a year as a reward also, Seung-hyuns has grown up to the 82nd percentile for height for his age from the 65th percentile even though his mom and dad are not very tall. If you want to know more about “Barun Maek Saengsheik”, please refer to this page. https://barunmaek.org/research-project-profiles/
- Profile– too early to determine his energy constitution, seven years old
- Yang Energy Person
- Pulse diagnosis– The 6th Energy and Water Energy were lacking and should be nourished.
Reason for Joining-
- Child Growth
- Supporting the 6th Energy through Saeng Sheik taking and heating up his body, he was able to achieve above the 80th percentile of the height for his age.
- He improved his natural immunity through the recovery phenomena.
- He has had no cavities in his teeth currently although he regularly had cavities before.
In the discussion platform of Barun Maek members, Seunhyun’s mother shared that “He often had short fevers after he started to eat Barun Maek Saengsheik. This happened for about two months. I was okay and considered it as a good recovery process to achieve our goal since I have experienced it myself and observed it from other members in the Barun Maek Research Society.”

This research case above comes from a series of posts on our discussion platform uploaded in 2019. Here is an update on Seunghyun. His current photo and data of his growth. As of 2024, he is now in the 91st percentile for height for his age, 11 year-old. Seunghyun is still taking Saengsheik and is maintaining his 6th and Water energy enough to grow well.

What Barun Maek Saw:
Seunghyun’s mother is a long term member of Barun Maek so she has kept her son warm enough. However, Seunhyun needed extra energy to grow up. Luckily, his mom could identify the deficiency of elements by observing the paues in his growth for six months and she quickly connected the fact with his frequent deep cavities in his teeth. She successfully convinced Seunghyun to take Saengsheik to nourish his lack of the 6th and Water Energy and included other foods to support them.
Having cavities are related to the lack of Water Energy since bone is the biggest nutrition storage of our body as Water holds a lot of nutrition. If you want to know the principle, please refer to the video 15. https://barunmaek.org/educational-videos-2/
Seunghyun often had a fever after taking Saengsheik that indicated that his metabolic rate increased allowing him to grow up. In the meantime, his natural immunity improved. It is showing his 6th Energy improved since the 6th Energy is related to immune power. If you want to know about this principle, please refer to the video 16. https://barunmaek.org/educational-videos-2/
“He often had short fevers after he started to eat Barun Maek Saengsheik. This happened for about two months. I was okay and considered it as a good recovery process to achieve our goal since I have experienced it myself and observed it from other members in the Barun Maek Research Society.”

Research Coordinator
This research project was coordinated by Eunji Lee Spitler. If you would like to work with her please contact her at spitlereunji@barunmaek.org

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