
So far, Barun Maek Research Society has conducted 4 intermediate and 2 advanced courses in the United States, 84 Intermediate classes including 2 Hybrid classes and 33 Advanced Classes in Korea

Custom Education Programs

With the introduction of Lee Ha-young, a board member of the Korean Barun Meak Research Society and a public health educator, Instructor Kim Jin-hee and Kim Chae-young conducted a tea therapy education course which based on Barun Maek’s understanding of Yin-Yang Five Elements at the J High School in Gyeonggi Province on July 17. In the US, we have a Maternity Class scheduled for February 13th 2024.

Korean language Book Published

On October 30, 2024, the first edition of the Korean language of Chinese Ancient Science of Yin-Yang Five Elements: Barun Maek Research(中國古代陰陽五行科學正脈研究) was published. Also, it is a revised edition.

Academic Conference

In November Barun Maek held the 13th annual academic conference in Daejeon, South Korea

Registered as a Lifelong Learning Instructor

Kim Jin-hui, Representative of Korean Barun Maek Research Society, has been recognized and registered as an instructor of Public Lifelong Learning Network with the Korean government, after completing the verification process well.

Korean Branch Established

Barun Maek Research Society reorganized the Korean side which was our organization’s root members as our branch and applied for non-profit cultural organization status to Seoul Megalo City. Kim Jinhui was elected the first president of the Korean branch. We received official recognition from the Korean government as a non-profit voluntary organization.

Counseling Services Available

The Barun Make Research Society offers counselling for people to understand and implement the principles of Yin-Yang Five Elements in their daily lives. This ancient Chinese philosophy can help us achieve balance and harmony in all aspects of our existence, including physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual fulfillment. By scheduling a counselling session with the society’s president, you can learn more about this fascinating topic and apply these insights to create a more meaningful, purposeful life.

Book Published

Barun Maek published a book entitled "Chinese Ancient Science of Yin-Yang Five Elements: Barun Maek Research" through Broadpress publishing in both English and Chinese



So far, conducted 4 intermediate and 2 advanced courses in the United States, 82 Intermediate classes and 33 Advanced Classes in Korea

Academic Conference

November Held the 12th annual academic conference in Korea (Daejeon)

New Website Launched

Summer, launched new website with "Barun Maek Time" videos and other content.

Hybrid Course

Summer, taught intermediate-level hybrid course in the United States.


First Courses

Conducted 3 intermediate and 1 advanced courses in the United States
81 Intermediate Classes and 32 Advanced Classes in Korea

Guest Lectures

1st of October, presented at health symposium in New York
29th of November, delivered a guest lecture at Portland State University

A new journey in the United States


Formation of the Barun Maek Research Society

On the 26th of September, filed Articles of Incorporation with the State of Oregon for the non-profit corporation "Barun Maek Research Society". Eunji Lee Spitler was elected as the 1st president of the "Barun Maek Research Society"
