
Immune Revolution and Healing Your Healing Power

Written by a Japanese Immunologist, the book outlines the two states of the immune system and the dangers of immune system supression through drug therapies.

Key Concepts

  • Hyper-active versuse Hypo-active immune system
  • Dangers of Steriods and other drug therapies that supress immune systems
  • Cancer prevention through strengthend immune system
  • Recovering your immune system through improved lifestyle and diet

Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs

Written by a Western Medical Doctor who became disillusioned by the politics and practices surrounding western medicine in America. He makes the apt comparison of the hospital as a religious institution rather than a place for healing.

Key Concepts

  • Historical Context of Western Medical Practice in America
  • Bureaucratic and social/cultural constrains that prevent Doctors from delivering care
  • The frequency of ineffective therapies and how quickly medical fads change
  • The Medical establishment as a fraternal preisthood

Confessions of a Medical Heretic

Written by a Western Medical Doctor who became disillusioned by the politics and practices surrounding western medicine in America. He makes the apt comparison of the hospital as a religious institution rather than a place for healing.

Key Concepts

  • Historical Context of Western Medical Practice in America
  • Bureaucratic and social/cultural constrains that prevent Doctors from delivering care
  • The frequency of ineffective therapies and how quickly medical fads change
  • The Medical establishment as a fraternal preisthood

Life and Hope Renewed

The amazing stories in this book are first-hand accounts of people from all walks of life who recovered from serious, or in many cases, terminal diseases through practicing Falun Dafa.

Key Concepts

  • Role of beleif in healing and disease
  • Provides examples of how to pass through difficult immune resposnes when ill
  • Presents an alternative to western medical narratives on disease

The Hidden Messages in Water

Written by Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto

Key Concepts

  • Water structures at the microscopic level differ dramatically
  • Symmetrical water structures are associated with high quality of water
  • Asymmetircal water strucutures are associated with polluted water