
Barun Maek Research Society

Our Story

The Barun Maek mission began on a beach in Thailand with my son. He had a severe skin allergy from birth that prevented him from sleeping deeply. As a trained nurse I had strong belief in western medicine. I had followed all of my western doctors’ recommendations and failed to alleviate the allergic reactions in my son. Finally on vacation I swam with my son in the salty ocean. A week later, all his allergic reactions on his skin were gone. It was a breakthrough moment for me. I had learned that nature could cure a disease that western medicine could not. From then I began to research alternative understanding of many common diseases.

I started to apply these discoveries and apply these discoveries and update them to modern health culture in my public health room in rural Korea. Many members of the community, teachers and parents sought me out for advice and classes in my health room. I gained a reputation for healing and resolving social problems using Chinese ancient science methods. In this Chinese ancient Daoist framework, it is believed that body, mind, and universe can be viewed in terms of a framework of Ying and Yang and the Five Elements. Through lifestyle, behavioral, exercise, and dietary recommendations, everyone can quickly align to the universe and their health, psychological, and sociological problems were resolved.

Through adherence to Chinese ancient science model for the universe I learned to quickly identify those who were out of balance and rectify this through the Yin Yang Five Elements framework. I became well known enough that I made my own education company that spreads the teaching of the Chinese ancient science framework and promotes Daoist food products as a way to align with the universe. I have been spreading the teachings of my ancestors since 2007. Now more than 15 years on, I believe it is time to bring these powerful teachings to the United States.

About the Founder

Eunji Lee-Spitler was trained as a medical nurse at Gyeoungsang national university and worked for Dong-A University hospital before resigning to prepare to pass her public health teacher government examination. Beating the highest competition ratio for the available positions, the chances were slim but she overcame while pregnant with her first child. A theme throughout her life. After a severe bus accident where she broke her leg and witnessed several people die, she began her slow recovery. Later she delivered her second and third child despite warning from doctors about possible permanent damage to her pelvis. Finally, she began to study traditional folk practitioners of alternative medicine throughout Korea, after her son's incurable allergic atrophy recovered from soaking in salt water on the beach of Thailand. She became even more engrossed in natural healing using the Daoist framework. In her position as a public health educator did everything, she could to promote it for her students and the community. She also led a successful campaign to stop water fluoridation in her rural school district. Later she was elected a chief teacher, which was the first and only instance in Korea as a public health educator. She was also a major member of a coalition to require that public health as a subject be made a mandatory subject in all Korean schools. Her reputation for healing using Daoist methods spread in the local community and soon many parents were visiting for healing as well as students in her public health room. This was clearly her calling and in 2007 she resigned from her position (something almost never done in Korean Society) and opened an early form of Barun Maek Saeng Shik and Barun Maek Academy. She designed several courses that have served hundreds that were eager to learn about their Asian roots and challenge modern conventions about health and life. At the age of 44 she gave birth to her last child with a midwife without anesthetics only assisted by her husband and one elderly assistant.

Since 2007 when her journey started, almost 14 years later she is proud to found a non-profit in the United States to spread Korean traditional folk culture to others.

What Does Barun Maek Mean?

Barun Maek can be translated as "True Pulse". We rely on the rhythm of the heart and how it spreads our life blood through our body to determine if one is in harmony with the universe or how far they are outside of the Dao. Always we pursue the state of true pulse. The individual who pursues true pulse and is true will manifest from the heart and have blood circulation that is even throughout the body. So we hope to embody Barun Maek, the True Pulse.

What to Expect

When you enter our Barun Maek we expect you to be honest.  We will dispense with the dishonest nature of modern standards and expectations. When you enter Barun Maek you will be transformed into a true person and this will manifest in better health, clearer thinking, reduced aging, enhanced fertility.  You will return to humans original pure mindset like that of a child but equipped with the wisdom of the ancients.

You will have to leave behind many preconceptions about medicine, gender roles, your role in society, family and other things.  You will learn how to diagnose your health, thinking, attitude and personality in terms of the five elements of the earthly realm.  The tree, water, metal, earth, fire.  You will also learn about the 6th energy.