
Mission Statement

Our Mission

The mission of the Barun Maek Research Society is to realign and reassert Chinese ancient science of Yin Yang Five Elements into modern society through education, counseling and research.

Our Vision

Barun Maek can be translated to “True Pulse”. We believe if human society returns to a true existence we can manifest greater development for humankind.

Our Core Values

Ancient Daoist shows the core values of the Dao school in the Chinese Character '道’, “follow truth”. They believe truth can lead people to enlighten to where we are from and to where we should go. So-called returning to original our true self. If we analyze the Character, 道, 首 means “the leader” and 辶 means “to take it easy and slowly”. Every day people commonly think the leaders should be fast and hard. However, Daoist consider the leaders as enlightened so, a leader can take everything easy, even slowly. These values are the principles that guide our internal and external actions and drive our accountability to each other and our society. We are inspired by these values and we aspire to fully live these values:

  • Learning truth: Truth is from our body and mind to the universe but only an open-mind can see by setting aside conventional thinking.
  • Applying truth With Sincerity: We resolve to act truthfully whenever we are challenged in our daily lives. We actively seek feedback to continually improve and evolve our practices and services.
  • Sharing truth Within Our Predestined Relationships: We are the protectors of an ancient way of being. We will protect those around us from those that would harm us, our familys and our society.
  • Maintaing Patience: If you have learned Barun Maek, you know why Daoist embody the idea of taking it easy. It simplifies our life and decrease the time we need to make a decision and understand the phenomena that manifest in people. It is not just the knowledge, but wisdom and principals, so it requires time to understand the whole picture. Also, your picture will be extended from understanding your body to understanding universal phenomena. 修身齊家治國平天下 It requires patience to be a life long learner. It requires patience to apply and share this knowledge but it is a worthy enough goal.